Saturday, March 20, 2010

My Newest Venture

I am so excited! My newest baby, The South Texas "What to Do" Newsletter is about to be born!

This monthly publication will feature a variety of family-oriented items, but the most important is a "Calendar of Events," which will share activities available within driving distance of Beeville, the home of our newsletter.

There will be at least one recipe or craft to share with your family, a puzzle to get your brain moving, and a poem or short story for reading fun.

There will be a section entitled, "In Search of a Ghost" where readers can discover restaurants, hotels, motels, and other areas to visit that might be haunted. If you are interested in possibly experiencing the paranormal side of life, be sure to check out this feature each month!

We encourage our readers to share their poems, short stories, recipes, crafts, and puzzles. While we can't afford to pay for submissions at this time, we will definitely give credit to those who submit with a "Submitted by......" for each accepted recipe, etc.

If you know of a haunted place for us to check out, please feel free to contact us at OR send your ideas to Carol Riley Cain, PO Box 4095, Beeville, TX 78104.

1 comment:

  1. Goodluck! I wish someone would do this here! I usually find out about stuff the day AFTER it happens!!
